June 13, 2011, Convergys called up and provided me a Job Offer to start with the training. It was thrilling (hair-raising) moment and I have no idea of what would be my future to this company. I passed all the screening and I believed I deserved it (Feeler). Same process with other call center company, a one day process only. I got a packed lunch of Mc Donalds chicken with rice while we were in the process of screening. The recruitment team were very smooth and accommodating. I made a misconception before that Convergys is a terror company during the hiring process, but I was wrong. People were very supportive and gave you positive point of view. I was profiled to Comcast, a Cable, Internet and Telephone service provider in the US. I was in the Comcast High Speed Internet and Telephone team as customer service. Creating and changing passwords were our most fave. Then I was transferred to Sales Department, but before that, my first Team Lead was Ms. Joy Davin, the coolest TL but very focused, then we got the new TL which is TL Dudley, a smart yet kinda strict TL, I failed most of my categories and the last TL I had was TL Tatum, the "way libog TL", it means, if you're happy, he's happy. My schedule kept changing, especially my account and almost everything (Even my locker, My salary getting higher!). That is why Convergys is considered to be a very dynamic company. When it comes to compensation, I was satisfied. Convergys provided stable salary compare to other companies, it means, it is very stable job. Compare to other companies that if you failed, you will be kicked off the hood. As what Convergys implemented, they hired employees to keep them until they retire, not to fire them. They have a very fair judgement. In 5 years, you will have a retirement plan already, that would be 50%, and after 10 years, that would be the 100% retirement claims. If you want to apply to Convergys, contact me: 09279316619 (Airfunk) and I will inform my ex-colleagues. They will give you further insights on how to work in a call center industry especially to Convergys. Anyways, during my boot camp and probationary period in Convergys, I got this certificate given by our first TL. Check it out!
I want to share my job hunt in Manila before, way back 2009. I went to Manila without enough money. I just borrowed money to some of "bagtac" in our place in Ipao, Calbayog City. I stayed with my relatives in Sampaloc, owned by Beth Moloboco. I went to GlobeAsia, Makati, because my cousin Rebecca referred me to apply there, but I failed, maybe because I have no call center experience or the way I communicate, sounds bisaya. I went to ETELECARE (Now: Stream Global) at PB Com tower, tallest tower in Makati I guess. I passed exams but I failed interview, because I can't clearly hear or understand the way the HR asked questions. I was kinda desperate, I tried John Clements or any recruitment firm to have them endorse me to some bigger call center company. I was endorsed to Telus, however, it was in Global City, OMG, quite far. I saw Convergys, but I was discouraged by my seat mate during the walk-in, he told me that it was suicide to apply at CVG Glorietta, HR were terrorizing applicants by giving hardcore exams and interviews. Because of that, I backed out. Days passed, I have no job offer still, I traveled to Pasig, I saw SITEL Philippines. I walked-in, loaded with applicants, it was a 1-day process, until I passed the 1st interview, written exam, call simulation and the next day was the FINAL interview with the operation's manager who will be the OM of my account. I was profiled to Blockbuster account, an online DVD rentals. I was in customer complaints. Sending emails and the half hours would be calls. I got hired for at least 2 days and started the training after 1 week of completing all the requirements. While I was in training, I received a lot of final Interview calls. Of course, I was in a hurry and I badly need an income, therefore, I decided to continue with Sitel. The company is great, with great facilities and great people. I used to eat at the pantry and watch TV or videos alone. Since Pasig is quite far from Sampaloc, I used to sleep at the sleeping quarter and took a bath at the same time. I considered Sitel as my dormitory since I didn't go home, I just stayed at Sitel for 5 days in a week. Then if I have no work yet, I always in standby mode at SM Megamall, sleeping at the benches or at the food court. At first, we were in morning shift, until we were transferred to evening shift with better night differential bonus. It is usual that after months in the operation, you will be transferred to new teams and a lot of changes happened and we should be ready all the time. I went home to Samar because my wife gave birth to our first baby "Ayesha" and I decided not to report back, I emailed resignation but they didn't accept it, instead, they fired me. =) Remembering my first wavemates. The Blockbuster Wave 16. Here are the names. Say present? Maria Annie Flores Apple Ann Gopes Adam Joseph Mayor Sabdulah "John D" Pacasum Noime Anne Saa Jennifer Tanola Mark Angelo Cortez Liecel Garcia Fredrich Manguiran Juna Mae Puga Noel Fernando Saylago Johna Tayoto Criselda Iris Magat Josefina Tanala Elaine Velasquez Sherry Ann Villaran Michelle Kerl Acedillo Menchie And our beloved Trainer: Aliza Nepomuceno-Bautista See? I still remember ya'll!
Pastilan Man, Airfunk, Kadako Man San Imo Red Coat?
Incomplete by Sisqo was my masterpiece. As far as I remember, this was an event hosted by Center for Pop Music Philippines at Ayala Activity Center in Cebu City. The competition was named "Cebu Popstars". We were the 20 Finalists. If you can spot familiar faces, some of them were already joined bigger singing competition such as Star in a Million, I just forgot their names. If they see this post, they can leave a message here. Remembering our struggling singing careers in Cebu. Hehehe. The tallest guy is Guerardo Gonzales, he was my boardmate before and if I am updated, he is still working at HSBC in a higher management position. This guy has a brilliant mind, graduated as Cum Laude at University of San Carlos. He was also my co-actor from several musical plays such as "San Carlos the Musical", Merchants of Venice and so forth. This was a fighting spirit moment since I am not from Cebu and I have no supporters in such event. I considered this as suicide. But it was successful and the winner was the lady wearing the blue cut. Sad to say, I forgot her name. This was 1990s, I guess. Hehehe. Guys, please give me exact information once you see this post. Happy Memories!
Way back 2008, when I hosted the Gloc 9 Live Performance at Nijaga Park in Calbayog City, Samar, we took a low-tech shot at the back office of the City Arts and Culture. The fone camera is not good and I'm too darkened or is this my real complexion? ahihihi. Anyways, I posted this photo for database or to keepsake the memories with the fastest, understandable, nationalistic rapper "Gloc 9". Well, I love music. I love to listen to great melodies, tunes, rhythm and most especially the beats. Gloc 9 gave me such inspiration to love rap and to feel my nationality. He made his owned version of rap in the sense that it portrayed Filipino culture and people. That also pertains the reality of life here in the Philippines and the things that we usually do. That triggered me to listen carefully to all the songs of Arisboy. I don't need to search through his website, fan page in facebook or any information highway for me to describe Gloc. This is my personal opinion, feelings and insight about him. I am planning to create rap inclined to Gloc's ideals, I used to rap before and maybe someday, I will be posting it here soon. As per Gloc " Hindi Masama Ang Mangarap - Lyrics from "Tula" I went to a Record Bar this morning at ICM, Bohol, the latest Gloc 9 album costs P300. Guys, buy now! =) I really like "Lapis at Papel" COOL! Much respect to the King of Rap, Francis M., Rest in Peace, Bro!
PASTILAN MAN! Election 2013 was successful? For me? Yes, it is. Very fast result. Reliable? Not sure. But, guess what? I started falling in line from 8:30AM and have the purple ink at 1:30PM, imagine? 5 hours of standing, sitting, smelling in front and your back liners. This is crazy! But, of course, law abiding citizen, need to vote for the future of our nation. Pastilan Man! Because the PCOS machine is too expensive, they shrunk the precinct down to 4 rooms I guess. That is why, we can see the people falling in line as if getting a passport in Pacific Mall.
Some of the PCOS are kept malfunctioning (Or maybe transmitting flying votes?) I don't want to put a doubt on the system but I am hoping that the transmission of votes would be as clean as glutathioned internal organs. I can see that after the election time frame, the result was progressively determined. Thanks to PCOS (Billions of PCOSes?) "Gumaan ang Buhay" dahil hanep ang ating buhay. Hopefully for the local election, they can analyze further alternative to the flow of the election. Heavy long lines will be trimmed to half or third or whatever, as long as we won't be waiting for about 5 to 8 hours. Whew! Congratulations to all the proclaimed winner! More Power! See you on the next episode. If you failed your promises, then we'll see. No more powerful can survive with the shades of the wise voters... ;-)
PASTILAN MAN! I was in a vacation. It was an election in the whole Philippine Archipelago. I went home in Calbayog City, Samar to vote for the deserving leaders who will fulfill the goal of a progressive city in the Philippines. I can see progress in Calbayog City, in fact, I was amazed that some huge establishments will be erected in the City proper. Correct me if I am wrong, Gaisano Grand Mall, Gaisano Metro, Centro and Robinson's Place Calbayog? Well, before, we only have Eduardo MS, a reversed SM. A firefighter's nightmare public market and some night life and boogies. I am not in Calbayog as of now, and so if I am going home, I'm kinda excited to see and feel the development of the City. I am hoping that the new leaders will continue to dream and see better future. But... If I am leaving Calbayog and going to Cebu, I'm worried. You need to prepare yourself to get a Cokaliong passenger ticket for at least 1 day before the departure or reserve at least 1 month?
I arrived at the Cokaliong's ticketing office at exactly 9am. Of course, it is already opened. Then filled up a form, information of the passenger. Imagine, 9am to 10:30am, standing inside a 2x2 feet waiting room with bumper to butt wait list, sweaty armpits and overwhelmed aircon, it seemed like heater. Even if it is computerized, the encoding and printing process took time to handle. It can be faster but the process or technique, seemed to be unplanned well. They only have a blank paper. Kept asking what accommodation, and a lot of waiting passengers unable to provide complete information since they have no idea what to input in a piece of paper, maybe it can be a form like this:
=================================================== Name:_____________________ Age:_______________________ Departure Date:______________ Accommodation: _____________ Note: Senior Citizen and Students, photocopy of your ID back to back is required for the discount. =================================================== (Something like that?) And I think, they need to have the priority numbers? Or if they were done writing on that paper, they need to have that nail to hold the papers and have it organized or sequenced? Just a wild suggestion. I went out the office as if I survived land slide, dirty like and so wet. And it feels good when survive that situation. I am planning to go home soon. For the birthday of my daughter I think. Excited for another Cokaliong adventure, in fairness, Cokaliong Shipping is one of the finest M/Vs. :-) Anyways, thank's to Bryan, he saved my ass.
PASTILAN MAN! I created blogs before but I'm too lazy to devote my time to keep updating it. But suddenly, I realized, I need to pursue a career for this. "Pastilan Man" is a "Waray-waray" expression pertaining to a exaggerated/intense reaction same as saying "Sezzzz". Anyways, who cares? I just want to share my experiences as I travel in this adventurous world, maybe daily or weekly. We all know that everyday, every hour, every minute and so forth, we always have experiences whether it is funny or it is serious.
Let's start with the OCEAN JET via Cebu to Tagbilaran. Departure time: 3:35PM, we departed 5:15PM, imagine? Simple inconvenience by you can say "OMG!" is this a test of patience? Maybe because some other vessels has no schedule due to lack of maintenance? Imagine, No SUPERCAT to Tagbilaran for the whole day? Pastilan man! Well, maybe I'm so OA to react. But for Filipino people, we are always understanding. :-)